
recipes, vegetarian

Trifle – Junk Food Post #27

Wow, only five posts left in unResolution Month and sadly only two calendar days.  That means that I am going to have to do some serious typing and you’re going to have to do some serious eating!  Deal?  Deal! I know we got off schedule a bit because I was too busy having the type […]

recipes, vegetarian

Fried Cookie Dough – Junk Food Post #21

Another day passes and so, too, does another week of unResolution month.  For the past six days we have concentrated solely on beating back our resolutions with fried foods.  In some cases we fried things that weren’t healthy before we added oil and in some cases we warped the nutritional value of whatever we fried.  […]

recipes, vegetarian

Fried Twinkies – Junk Food Post #19

Okay now, be honest now.  Who’s surprised that I am doing fried Twinkies for unResolution month?  Anyone?  Didn’t think so! By the way, I wanted to say hi to Kelly who was absolutely horrified by the concept of fried Twinkies.  This one’s for you! 🙂  Anyway, let’s skip all the rest and get to the […]

recipes, vegan, vegetarian

Fried Vegan “Chicken Strips” – Junk Food Post #11

Vegan comfort food week of unResolution month marches onward.  Why vegan food?  Well, I figure I’m corrupting the omnivore’s and the vegetarian’s diet, I might as well make it equal opportunity (raw foodists, I’m thinking real hard…)  I mean, after all, UnResolution month only works if everyone gets a chance to eat really bad-for-you-food that […]