
recipes, techniques

It’s Panini Time – Junk Food Post #6

Well the first week of unResolution month is almost over.  How is everyone feeling?  I’m hoping for full, but stuffed would work, too. So, today’s wondrous dive into the realm of food-that-cannot-possibly-be-good-for-you-no-matter-how-hard-you-try has been inspired by Michele, Jen, and Sean Paul Ellis (who has actually inspired two posts this month.) Thanks to all three of […]

techniques, vegan, vegetarian

Pumpkin… But Not Pie

One of my Tweeps, Felicia Slattery, responded to one of my pleas for inspiration with the suggestion of talking about what you can do with pumpkin other than make pie.  Since the appearance of pumpkin en masse in grocery stores, I’ve taken an interest in this myself (see my recipe for Pumpkin Baingan Bharta) and  […]

recipes, techniques

Making Tamarind Paste

Unbeknownst to me, the tamarind is an somewhat popular ingredient in southern Indian cooking. My love affair with tamarind began the first time someone told me what was in phad thai sauce (which includes tamarind paste, fish sauce, sugar, garlic, and chilis.)  Upon hearing this, I just knew that I would always love tamarind because, […]

recipes, techniques, vegan

Vegan Cheese Sauce Revisited

In this post on Nutritional Yeast, I gave a recipe for cheese sauce from How It All Vegan!: Irresistible Recipes for an Animal-Free Diet.  Well I got to chatting with Wordvixen, a Twitter buddy of mine, about the recipe. Apparently Ms. Vixen grew up on nutritional yeast (good for her) and said she would try […]

recipes, techniques

Homemade Seitan

For over year now, I have been a fan and evangelist of seitan, sometimes called Wheat meat or Buddha Food, which is a dough made from the vital gluten of wheat.  But up until recently, I was using store bought packages rather than making my own.  However, I decided that needed to change.  Here I am, […]