

Buffalo Dip

Need a festive New Year’s dip, try Spicy Buffalo Chicken Dip Dishes made for a party or whipped up a quick dip for friends coming over to watch The Big Game should be three things: Quick Delicious Ridiculously Bad For You Really, I should have saved this dish for unResolution month (starting in just a […]


Beef Barley Soup

Okay, I can’t wait another second.  I better post my recipe for Beef Barley Soup See, I say I better post it because my wife has somehow gotten it into her head that it’s her recipe.  Which is pure balderdash, I can gaurantee. See, I had surgery on Monday (hence the drop off in my […]

recipes, techniques

Savory Baked Brie

So on yesterday’s inaugural Foodies’ Night In (#fni) Twitter chat sponsored by @cookingwcaitlin, we were talking all things cheese with @AlouetteCheese.  And as things go, we started talking about baked brie because what cheese conversation would be complete without talking about baked brie?  There were lots of suggestions about making it with fruit and jam […]

recipes, techniques

#MeatlessMonday Fried Egg Tostadas

Okay, I’m back and it’s #meatlessmonday time! Yeah, I know it’s been a few weeks and I feel real bad about it, but I shall make it up to vegetarians everywhere I promise.  But enough of that for now, on to Fried Egg Tostadas! I wanted to do something a bit fancier for tonight’s post.  […]