
recipes, vegetarian

Fried Cookie Dough – Junk Food Post #21

Another day passes and so, too, does another week of unResolution month.  For the past six days we have concentrated solely on beating back our resolutions with fried foods.  In some cases we fried things that weren’t healthy before we added oil and in some cases we warped the nutritional value of whatever we fried.  […]


Fried Lean Pockets – Junk Food Post #20

Twenty days into unResolution month, we come back to where it all began.  In many ways, the moment to do unResolution month, the minute I thought I had landed on pure genius, was when I asked the simple question to my friends on Twitter: “What would happen if I deep fried a Lean Pocket?” And […]

recipes, vegetarian

Fried Twinkies – Junk Food Post #19

Okay now, be honest now.  Who’s surprised that I am doing fried Twinkies for unResolution month?  Anyone?  Didn’t think so! By the way, I wanted to say hi to Kelly who was absolutely horrified by the concept of fried Twinkies.  This one’s for you! 🙂  Anyway, let’s skip all the rest and get to the […]


Loaded French Fries – Junk Food Post #17

Tonight, I’m typing this blog post from my couch because nothing says unResolution month like sitting on the couch and writing about fried foods.  Right?  Anyway, the fried food-only week of unResolution month continues with a post suggested by Elle who says her favorite comfort food is fries covered in melted cheese.  Many, many people […]


Fried Chicken – Junk Food Post #15

Okay, before I get the recipes rolling, I have to share something.  Son Well Done, my three year old, was playing restaurant tonight (it’s a new phase since he’s started watching Ratatouille).  All of the sudden he picks up a plastic “knife” and announces “I am cutting onions, everyone close your eyes.”  He then waits […]