Meatless Monday

Eco-Cheap Cooking, Meatless Monday

#meatlessmonday Meets the 2009 Nude & Eco-Cheap Cooking Initiative Recipe 14: Pumpkin Soup

Yep, that’s right.  It’s another #meatlessmonday and another installment of the 2009 Nude & Echo-Cheap Cooking Initiative.  Today we’re making Pumpkin Soup If you’re not familiar with the 2009 Nude & Eco-Cheap Cooking Initiative, that’s where I take the delicious veggies grown by the always awesome Shawna Coronado and turn them into a meal for a […]

Eco-Cheap Cooking, Kansas City Cuisine, Meatless Monday, recipes

#MeatlessMonday meets 2009 Nude & Eco-Cheap Cooking Initiative Recipe 13: Eggplant Rolltini

Okay, it’s #meatlessmonday again, which means it’s time to do right by yourself and the earth by going twenty-four short hours without meat.  Sound tough?  Not when you have Eggplant Rollitini I just love eggplant and I swear after this, so will you! Also, you may have noticed, this is another fantasic 2009 Nude & […]

Meatless Monday, recipes, techniques, vegan

2009 Nude & Eco-Cheap Cooking Initiative Recipe 11 #meatlessmonday Homemade Creamy Tomato Red Pepper Sauce

Homemade Creamy Tomato Red Pepper Sauce Happy 2009 Nude & Eco-Cheap Cooking Initiative and happy #meatlessmonday!  Hopefully you are enjoying many a meatless dish tonight, but if you’re out of delicious meatless ideas have I got one for you?! This one is super simple and delicious.  I was actually inspired to make it when eating at […]

Meatless Monday, menu, recipes, the liquid side, vegetarian

Can You Eat White After Labor Day? (Also, Happy #MeatlessMonday)

Okay, so the fashionistas all agree that you can’t wear white after Labor Day, but, I’m wondering about eating white after Labor Day.  Think about it.  If you can’t wear white, you’re probably wearing darker colors and if you spill… yikes!  Who knows…maybe tomorow the manner experts are going to outlaw fettuchini alfredo, sugar cookies, […]