

Hen House Holiday Celebration Roundup

Today, I attended the Hen House Holiday Celebration, which was this great food event put on by the Hen House Markets, a fixture amongst grocery stores in the Kansas City area.  I had a great time sampling various products I could then go and buy at Hen House. Among the best things I tried: Palermo’s […]


Cooking My New Orleans

Two weeks ago I got the chance to meet Chef John Besh, dine with him (for approximately 1.7 seconds before he was whisked away), later get the chance to talk about his time on The Next Iron Chef, and last, but not least, receive a copy of his beautiful cookbook My New Orleans: The Cookbook […]


Fantasy Top Chef & Vegetarian Cuisine

Yes, I’m a day late.  But last night I was assisting in the teaching of a class with Jasper Mirabile at the Kansas City Culinary Institute.  We made a ton of ziti.  It was great for dinner after class.  And lunch today. But without furhter ado, we have some business to take care of: The […]

announcements, Kansas City Cuisine

Dinner with Chef Besh

Okay, more details to follow, but tonight I got to eat at Jasper‘s Restaurant of Kansas City and in attendence selling his new cookbook (a work of both food porn and some awesome recipes) was none other the Next Iron Chef competitor and all around awesome guy Chef John Besh. Pictures and recipes and reviews […]


Fantasy Top Chef and Confit Tomatoes

Top Chef comes on in less than 1 hour! My pick for tonight’s strikeout pool is Laurine!  I’ll be back in about 2 hours with Fantasy Top Chef updates as well as tips on how to cook like the top chefs. And while you’re waiting, don’t forget to check out TNSmackdown‘s live blogging! ——- Okay, […]


Bob Greene and Pasta Barilla Whole Wheat Pasta

In the beginning…   Let’s start off with a confession.  For the most part, whole wheat pasta in my house is verboten. When the whole “eating tons of whole grain” movement suddenly got hugely popular, Mrs. WellDone was on the front lines, buying everything whole grain including more than a little whole grain spaghetti, linguine, […]


Big Acres® Gourmet Foods Milagro Mole Roasted Pork

$10,000 disclaimer: @melanieyunk gave me a bottle of her Big Acres® Gourmet Products Milagro Mole® sauce. Foodie disclaimer:  It rocks and with it I made: Milagro Mole Roasted Pork Making chiapas-style pork is my favorite go-to Mexican dish.  Normally I make the pork with a paste of orange juice, rehydrated ancho chilies, garlic and onions.  However, with […]