Tanka Bars

Tanka Bars

For those of you still not on Twitter, what are you waiting for?  If you don’t Tweet, you might not have ever heard of:

Tanka Bars

At least I know I wouldn’t have heard of them.  However, it seems like at least half their marketing team has Twitter accounts, so one day I asked Linda, their head of marketing what, exactly, a Tanka Bar was.  To answer, she offered to send me a box.

So before we get into what, exactly, a Tanka Bar is, we’re going to begin a list of all the things a Tanka Bar is not.

  • It’s not a granola bar

I just feel the need to point that out since I thought it was a granola bar until I opened the package and realized either I was either grossly wrong or this was the single most moldy granola bar in the entire world.  Of course, it turned out I was just wrong.

Tanka Bars Are Buffalo Cranberry Bars

Yep, you heard that right.  It’s a mixture of very tender buffalo meat mixed with cranberries.

  • It’s not jerky

So once I got over my initial shock and came to grips that what I was about to eat was not, in fact, a granola bar, I got to thinking maybe a Tanka Bar was buffalo jerky.  Wrong again.

Tanka Bars are far too moist and chewy to be jerky.

  • It’s not bad

So once I finally got the darned thing in my mouth, I figured out these things are pretty good.

Make no mistake about it, a Tanka Bar is absolutely unlike anything you’ve had before (well unless you’ve had Tanka Bars before I guess.)  Somehow, someway the buffalo and the cranberry just mix together very well.  The Buffalo is mild and salty and savory while the cranberries give it an unexpected sweetness and tang.  I enjoyed them to the point that part of me wanted to chop up a few of them to make taco filling because I just wanted to get that flavor into other dishes.

There’s One Caveat…

I can find no fault with the taste of my Tanka Bars.  However, if you decide to buy one, be prepared.  They’re not exactly pretty.  And while everything looks much the same once you get it in your mouth, we do eat with our eyes first.  If I had any complaints about the bar, that would be it.

With that being said, I’d say go for it.  Try one.  Especially because you have two ways to do it!

Way #1: Win a box

Linda was nice enough to give me a box of Tanka Bars to give away to all of you.  All you need to do is be the first person to tall me what Wagie Yutapi means.  Just leave it in the comments and I’ll be in touch!

Way #2: You’ve got a coupon!

Now, if a treasure hunt is not your thing or maybe you just missed out, you can still get Tanka Bars…and you can get them at a discount.  All you need to do is go to Tanka Bar’s website and enter the coupon code BLOGWELLDONE and receive $5 off your purchase of a box of Tanka Bars.  Let it never be said BlogWellDone.com is not hip to bad economic times.

Two easy ways so that you can enjoy!


  1. I just discovered Tanka bars, and I love them! after trying one, i immeidately went back to the only retailer in my immediate area which sells them and bought all they had in stock!

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