Hey everyone, really quick I wanted to let you know that I have finally done it. I’ve finally written my first eCookbook. It’s a collection of earlier posts entitled “How to Make Tofu Not Suck Parts 0-5” along with a few goodies, tips, recipes, and pictures that I threw in to make the whole thing […]
Month: May 2009
Examiner and Asparagus
So I am now the Kansas City Cooking Examiner (yay!), though I promise I will continue blogging here. My hiatus has been sort of reprehensible. I promise to rectify the situation. But check out this post I did on asparagus and blanching. Mmm… asparagus.
Where Life Meets Lunch: Restaurants, the Economy, and Permanence
I know, Where Life Meets Lunch is my Sunday series, but BlogWellDone, Jr. had a surprise for all of us when he invited himself down to see Grandma WellDone which in turn necessitated that I drive an hour each way for a quick dinner. Sort of like the $100 hamburger…without the airplane. Anyway, here’s to playing […]
Upgrading WordPress
Wish me luck. If the site doesn’t come back, it’s been fun! 🙂 Upgrade complete!
Brownie Wrapped in Phyllo – Ride for Family Homelessness Final Day
Well, this series has come to an end. After many days and many delicious recipes, today will be our last day talking about Dancing Deer products. For now. Even before I blogged them, I was a fan. Nothing has changed that! As you probably know, Dancing Deer CEO Trish Karter rode more than 1,500 miles […]
Where Life Meets Lunch: Mother’s Day
Mom…Happy Mother’s Day, even though I don’t think you read this blog, nor am I terribly sure you know what a blog is exactly. Today, we’re going to celebrate the fact that 30 years ago (give or take a day or so) you, in a rush of horrible puns, gave birth to a strappling young […]
Stuffed Pie Crusts – Ride For Family Homelessness Makeup Day
Okay, so you’ll see from the calendar that I totally missed May 2nd during Dancing Deer CEO Trish Karter’s ride to raise awareness of family homelessness. I feel really bad since Ms. Karter can ride 1,500 in two weeks and I can’t blog every day she’s gone. Yep, I’m awesome. So, the first order of […]
Tanka Bars
For those of you still not on Twitter, what are you waiting for? If you don’t Tweet, you might not have ever heard of: Tanka Bars At least I know I wouldn’t have heard of them. However, it seems like at least half their marketing team has Twitter accounts, so one day I asked Linda, […]
Truffles – Ride For Family Homelessness Final Day
So according to Dancing Deer CEO Trish Karter’s blog, she is finally home after her 1,500 mile bike ride. Congrats for making it home!! However, we’re still making delicious desserts with all of Dancing Deer’s mind blowing baked goods. Before we get to the recipe, I want to do a little housekeeping. First, today is […]
Frozen Bananas – Ride For Family Homelessness Day 15
So I know we’ve been concentrating on desserts and junk food and candy and all that, so I thought today, the second to last day of Dancing Deer CEO Trish Karter’s ride to raise awareness of family homelessness, I would give you a recipe for something that is healthy. Frozen Bananas Actually, that part about […]