Month: January 2009

recipes, vegan

Vegan Nachos Part 2- Junk Food Post #13

First off, happy thirteenth day of unResolution month.  I hope January is speeding along for you.  I know it is for me. Okay, so something strange happened last night during my first vegan nacho post.  I got really into talking about the different faux meats and making vegan cheese and suddenly I forgot that I […]

24, food and life, vegan

A Meal For New Beginnings

Maybe it’s just clever marketing, but I am starting to believe the hype: maybe 2009 is the start of something grand.  Right now our economy is in the tank, we are at war, and the ranks of the jobless swell every day.  The experts say 2009 is the year that we pay for the excesses […]

recipes, vegan

Vegan Nachos – Junk Food Post #12

Okay, so my resolution to help everyone else ruin theirs was to do 31 posts in 31 days.  Fortunately, my resolution was not to release one post per day or else my resolution would be undeniably broken since you may notice January 11th is empty.  However, I did release two posts today. The worst part is […]

recipes, vegan, vegetarian

Fried Vegan “Chicken Strips” – Junk Food Post #11

Vegan comfort food week of unResolution month marches onward.  Why vegan food?  Well, I figure I’m corrupting the omnivore’s and the vegetarian’s diet, I might as well make it equal opportunity (raw foodists, I’m thinking real hard…)  I mean, after all, UnResolution month only works if everyone gets a chance to eat really bad-for-you-food that […]

recipes, vegan

Soyrizo Taquitos – Junk Food Post #8

And now… day 8 of unResolution month.  Hopefully at this point, unResolution month needs no introduction and you are happily eating away.  (And maybe going to the gym. :)) Today, I turn the focus of unResolution month from comfort foods (with a minor deviation into cookies) to straight vegetarian/vegan food that also happens to be […]

recipes, techniques

It’s Panini Time – Junk Food Post #6

Well the first week of unResolution month is almost over.  How is everyone feeling?  I’m hoping for full, but stuffed would work, too. So, today’s wondrous dive into the realm of food-that-cannot-possibly-be-good-for-you-no-matter-how-hard-you-try has been inspired by Michele, Jen, and Sean Paul Ellis (who has actually inspired two posts this month.) Thanks to all three of […]