Don’t forget that today is the last day to tell me your favorite bad for you comfort food. No recipe needed just leave a comment and you are entered for one of two gift certificates to!
Month: December 2008
Twilight Vegetarian Food Rage
Every now and then something comes along and tells me that vegetarians and vegans still have a long way to go. Friday night was date night for me and my wife and she REALLY wanted to see Twilight. We compromised for our date night. First, we went to go to Spin (which I like) and […]
Contest: Need a Personal Chef?
The holidays are in full swing. There are Christmas pagents to attend and presents to wrap. Trees have to be decorated and malls braved for the perfect Christmas gift… you know the perfect Christmas gift for that crazy uncle you only see once a year… Okay, maybe that’s just me. Cooking Is the LAST Thing […]
Vegetarian Stuffed Shells
Okay, these little beauties are not vegan, but they are awfully good. And they are my wife’s recipe! Vegetarian Stuffed Shells: The Right Place at the Right Time So stuffed shells has been one of those dishes that has been a family favorite since my wife and I were dating. I threw it together one […]
Back to Basics: Elegant Marinara
Okay, so my friend Denise asked if I knew any recipes for a good marinara sauce she could use at an upcoming dinner party. Of course I do and here it is… Me and Marinara The funny thing about me and spaghetti sauce is that I did not grow up in an Italian household. If […]
Egg Nog Bread Pudding with Tequilla/Orange Sauce
Okay Carissa, you asked for it… Egg Nog Bread Pudding with Tequilla/Orange Sauce So the other night on Twitter, I got to talking with the abovementioned Carissa about egg nog bread pudding, which I promised I would write up the recipe for. True to form, it took me a few days to get around to […]